Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Er... the website...

I keep forgetting to announce things lately (sorry >.<)

Anyway, this is an announcement to say that animanda's website has been unveiled (more or less, but still needs working on :O).

Thanks to Vici0usx and Shindo_hikaru for the website ^^ and keep up with the good work. Obviously the site still needs to be tweaked (makes mental note staff pages... I swear I wasn't the only one ...) and also updated...

Er... most importantly, I forgot to add the web address :O

This also seems to spell the end of the blogspot... (I did like that... maybe I'll use it for rants instead :O)

Anyway, apart from that welcome to all new staff!!! And sorry for the lack of updates, being kinda busy. XD (but seems like I won't need to worry about it since you all seem to be updating for me Thank you!)

Finally, I'll just add a shout out to Zeldman... Although you didn't get a shout out on the release, this is sort of the same thing ne?

So, Zeldman: You're the greatest!

(apologies if I mispelt the name, but lacking sleep )


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Matter closed...

The announcement below was made just to clear up the fact that Animanda did not have an exclusive arrangement with them (or anyone else for that matter). If we do, we'd announce it here as well ^^. (So, please for anything involving us in the future, I suggest waiting for our official announcements, we do have them occasionally.) have commented that they do not have exclusive access to our subs, and that it was announced by someone who's english is not their first language, hence their announcement was mis-interpretated.

We'd like to move on from this issue, and we will not be commenting further on this matter. From our viewpoint, this issue is closed.

Thanks for reading,


(Edit: Both my posts in no manner are an attempt to bash the other party. Just clarifying our position, since I've been asked about this by many. Since this all seems to be some kind of misunderstanding/ misinterpretation, let's drop the subject and talk about something else, like when is someone going to give me some chocolate... *looks around for staff members to poke* )

Monday, January 15, 2007

Animanda is in NO WAY affiliated with

It has come to the group's recent attention that we have an "exclusive agreement" with the site for allowing them to have "exclusive access" to our episodes. This agreement is completely FALSE and animanda is NOT affiliated with that site in any manner.

The only agreement we had was that someone from their site asked if they could upload our episodes for ddl on their site, we agreed. We allow sites to link or upload our episodes for ddl, provided it's free access.

All our subs are free and are fansubbed voluntarily in our free time. Any site which asks for payment for dl our subs does NOT have our permission. Animanda does not advertise for other sites or groups, we fansub because we enjoy it. I repeat, Animanda is in NO way affiliated with and they do NOT have exclusive access to our subs; all our subs can be dl via irc and bt as usual.



Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Random update...


Okay, I've read your comments and rather than explaining to each person who asks, I'll make a random reply here.

First and foremost; for all of us, we fansub because we enjoy doing it and since we're all doing it in our free time, like most people, we'd much prefer to work on something we enjoy. There's no point in doing something which we don't like. As such, our projects are picked because we want to work on them. (But since all our series are/ have been done by others, as someone pointed out, go and watch theirs if you don't want to watch ours :) - it really is that simple ^^ )

Since we're all doing this in our free time, our release rates will vary, since real life takes precidence and is more fun (well sometimes).

As for the rather varied release rates for each project:

Suzumiya - Most of the episodes are more or less done, problem has been QC, (unfortunately I don't have that much time to sit and QC all the time as well as edit, so they've been stuck in QC for a while... sorry translator-san!!!) however, having recruited some more Qcers (welcome :D) things might happen sooner...

Zero - Same problem as Suzumiya, lack of qcers.

Himawari - Original translator is extremely busy studying at university in the evenings and working during the day (Ganbatte and Fighto!!!). Another translator kindly took over but has recently moved countries to study and won't have internet access for a while. In the meanwhile, one of our other translators has taken over (thank you!!) but since they're working on Death note and tl checking some other shows for us, so sorry but progress will be slow.

So, many apologies for the delays in some of the projects, and thank you to all those who don't mind the wait - Thank you!!! (I'm sure you all know who you are :))

While, I'm randomly rambling, I'd like to say a huge thanks to all the staff at Animanda - Thank you!!! - Thank you for putting up with me and let's hope 2007 will bring us another fun filled year!!! Also thanks for managing to give me something to occupy my free time with :p.

Finally, I know some of the staff are in their final year of studies now, so all I have to say to that is Ganbatte and Fighto !!! We're all cheering for you!!

And thus ends my ramble, thanks for reading.


Released: Death Note 12, Suzumiya 9 and a few others I forgot to mention...

Hope you all had a great Christmas and from all of us at Animanda, we wish you a Happy New Year and a great 2007!! Rock on!!

Apologies in the delay of Death note 12 (I'm sure you all know why :P), but here it is (and look it's out just before 13 so still within schedule).

So, what do we have this week? Doppelganger Kiras!! Scary >.<. One was bad enough, but two? Ryuk has little to say this week except find Light's situation entirely hilarious... What situation you ask? Well you just have to watch it yourselves. At least, Ryuk won't be lonely anymore, someone has arrived to join him...

On the other hand, Suzumiya, like Light, has done some fast talking in this episode and has managed to bag herself... (well watch Episode 9 and you'll find out won't you :P)

Poor Kyon, he's busy doing some heavy manual work while Miraku seems to have found her new vocation as a model?! Nagata? Well, she just er... sits and reads I suppose ^^;;

Enjoy the rather delayed episode of Suzumiya, hopefully more will be coming along...

O_o and yes, I forgot to mention here and in the forums, that er Zero 06 (Xvid) and Zero 05 (h264) were released a couple of days ago ^^;; So er after some poking from certain members,

ZERO 6 [XVID] & ZERO 5 [H264] IS OUT!!!! GO AND GET IT!!!

There, it's announced now :D

Expect more from that end soon too!!

Happy days and enjoy!


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