Er... the website...
Anyway, this is an announcement to say that animanda's website has been unveiled (more or less, but still needs working on :O).
Thanks to Vici0usx and Shindo_hikaru for the website ^^ and keep up with the good work. Obviously the site still needs to be tweaked (makes mental note staff pages... I swear I wasn't the only one ...) and also updated...
Er... most importantly, I forgot to add the web address :O
This also seems to spell the end of the blogspot... (I did like that... maybe I'll use it for rants instead :O)
Anyway, apart from that welcome to all new staff!!! And sorry for the lack of updates, being kinda busy. XD (but seems like I won't need to worry about it since you all seem to be updating for me Thank you!)
Finally, I'll just add a shout out to Zeldman... Although you didn't get a shout out on the release, this is sort of the same thing ne?
So, Zeldman: You're the greatest!
(apologies if I mispelt the name, but lacking sleep )