h264 versions of Zero 03 and 04 out
Hmm... we've had these versions for a while but I think we seem to have forgotten to release them ... (>.<)...
Anyway both h264 versions of Zero 03 and Zero 04 are now out so go and get them from the usual sources :P.
Also hope you all had an excellent Christmas and are enjoying your hols (for those who have hols!). I should also mention that yes we are subbing the Death Note Special (so you can all stop asking in the channel now :P) - Oh, and before you ask, it's out when it's out :P. And er some of the other series we're subbing should be coming out soon as well... unless I forget to release them again... and then they'll probably sit on the ftp for a while... until someone pokes me to remind me again ^^;;.
Anyway, have a happy hols!!!
IRC: #Animanda@rizon.net
Trackers: http://a.scarywater.net/animanda/ & http://animanda.fansub-torrents.com/
Forums: http://animanda.11.forumer.com/index.php