Sunday, October 29, 2006

Released: Death Note 04

Hmm... for the 4th week running in a row on the same day (yes, I know some of the posts state a different day of the week but I assure in my time when I write this it always has been a sunday, just at different times) Death Note 04 is out, so guess you better go and get it.

This week I get to welcome a few more new members of staff to Animanda, Breeze and knz, welcome :). Hopefully we can definitely start catching up on some of our older series. As a side note, we welcome any experienced QCers to the team, we're currently in need of a few more :).

So what have Ryuk and Light been up to this week? Ryuk seems to be putting his eyes to some excellent use, whereas Light has been up to some extremely busy scribbling this week...

On a side note, this episode has a lot of horrible typesetting, and I'd like to congratulate the typesetter on a excellent job and for all the staff for putting up with me ^^ - (and hope the next episode is nicer :p).

Available from BT, DDL or the bot


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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Released: Death Note 03


as the title suggests Death Note 03 is out and ready for your enjoyment. So I guess I should say go and watch it :p.

Hmm... I wonder if Ryuk visits the dentist? He has such nice sharp teeth he seems to like displaying throughout this whole episode... but then again apples are hard so guess he needs those teeth! Also on the subject of apples, have you noticed that Ryuk only seems to eat RED apples? I mean there are green and yellow apples too, so why doesn't he eat them? Well, I think I've finally figured it out!!! It helps to make his eyes sooo red (you'll see what I mean). Anyway, Light and Ryuk seem to be having a few more intense conversations... and I better shut up now... So go and watch!


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Monday, October 16, 2006

Released: Death Note 02


First of all I like to thank everyone for their comments on the last release. We've taken note that the typesetting font may have been too small for some, so in episode 02 we've increased the font size slightly. Hopefully, the font size is a lot better for all of you. Secondly, we've played around with the filters for the raw so hopefully the quality of the raw has improves slightly. Unfortunately the actual raws for Death Note aren't too great and there won't be any HDTV raws for this series.

Secondly, I liked this opportunity to welcome 2 new members to the team Hyperworm and Alternity. Welcome to Animanda and I hope you have fun :). Also, liked to take this opportunity to welcome previous members who I hadn't welcomed properly and to thank everyone for working so hard! Thanks!

So Ryuk seems to have found something nice in the Human world, apples, nice red juicy ones! Light on the other hand seems to have found a new hobby... and who's this mysterious person?

As per usual, our releases are available from BT, DDL or the bot in the chan.



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Monday, October 09, 2006

Released: Himawari! Episode 03 and 04

Ahem... yeah, I nearly forgot we were doing Himawari!. Progress has been slow to say the least >.<. Anyway, here's episodes 03 and 04 out (finally <-- Yay!)

Seems like it's an exciting time for Himawari, first there's a race against the boys' school and then a journey through a booby trapped mansion... Let's hope she doesn't get too lost!

Available from BT, DDL or the bot.


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Released new project: Death Note Episode 01

Okay, I'm pleased to unveil our new project for this season (and the only new project we'll be taking on board this season): Death Note.

Death Note Episode 01 is out as of today! Enjoy!

Hmm... do I really need to explain what Death Note is about? Probably not, but let me just advise you not to upset Light if you see him anytime soon, you never know but your name might end up written somewhere you'd rather not have it...

And amazing, we're actually releasing before episode 2 is aired... this feels odd...are we ill?

Available from BT, DDL or the Bot.


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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New Project?! YESSIR!!!

That's right people. Animanda's going to pick up a new project this month. Now, I can't tell you which yet, but I think some of you might have an idea of what it could be. You have until.. Well, until we've announced it of course! We're really excited to work on this one, and hopefully, it'll process better than our previous shows.

On behalf from Animanda, I present to you : X
