Released: Death Note 06... and Zero 05

Okay, finally after a short delay in the usual release schedule, I'm pleased to say Death Note 06 is released, so enjoy!
What happens in this episode? Well, we meet a slightly unconvential character in this episode... a slightly different image to the one we've had of him ^^;; Not to mention having an extremely sweet tooth he also doesn't seem to have learnt any proper manners... Light also seems to be have sighted a new interest, while Ryuk seems to be fully entertaining himself with Light's antics... What on earth is going on? A lesson in writing??

As an additional surprise for those who have been waiting for this rather stalled project, we're pleased to say Zero 05 is also out! Apologies to all those who have been waiting for it, and see I did say it was going to be out, so here it is.
What has Louise and Co being up to here? Seems like someone important has come to visit them hence everyone is trying to look their best.... Although, in some cases they might be over dressing ^^;; Poor Saito also seems to be trying his best to please Louise, but it just doesn't seem to do any good... whatever he does, Louise just isn't amused... Poor Louise, why is she so worried?
As per usual, releases are available from DDL, BT or the bot.
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